Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's been a while...

It's been almost two weeks since I last social media...that's YEARS.....I'd like to say I've been so busy organizing my life I just had to put the blog on hiatus, but I was actually just trying to tonight my goal is to catch my blog up to speed while I stare at my coupon box and the pile of coupons I need to catch up on......

Jordie being honored after her Retiring Address as the
Michigan FFA Region III State Vice President.
Last Thursday and Friday, I spent time as a judge and supporter at the Michigan FFA Convention on the campus of Michigan State University. Public speaking ranks number one on most people's fear lists. Yet, seventh and eighth graders took to the stage discussing the swine industry, organic and conventional farming practices and invasive species.Confidently, I can say we have a strong wave of future agvocates.

 Then I switched hats and watched my friend Jordan Henry, along with her State FFA Officer Team, direct the convention. Serving as a State Officer, one of 12 in the state, for an entire year puts you in a position to be a role model for younger students, an advocate for agriculture education and an ambassador for the agriculture industry. I'm proud to say Jordan served the organization with a sincere heart, pure joy and dedicated passion.
My husband says if I keep this up,
I might just be able to paint the whole wall with samples!

Over the weekend, my plan was to paint my bedroom and bathroom. Well, it takes me an hour to decide what earrings to buy for an outfit, so currently there are three different blues on our bedroom wall, while two orange paint samples and several paint chips taped to the wall are now what I'm calling "original works of art". Maybe by August, I'll figure out what color I like....but I'm not holding my breath (I hate to paint!)

And this week has been filled with Ag in the Classroom activities - connecting Gratiot County Farm Bureau members with elementary classes, helping students learn about how farmers care about the food they grow by reading books, answering questions and leading them through hands on activities. It's National Ag Week, National Nutrition Month and March is Reading Month - so we were able to hit all three and reach almost 300 students. Next month we're working with four local schools on growing their own pizza gardens!!

One of our Gratiot County Farm Bureau farmers sharing
his farming experiences with elementary students.
Finally, our church - Mount Pleasant Community Church hosts a four night Women's Night Out. A hilarious variety theme show, with AMAZING volunteers who make the whole event happen. It seems fitting that I would help organize the food for volunteers and performers...though I think they might look at me a little odd if I put information about what a farmer does to grow the hamburger, veggies, cheese, etc. Maybe I should have lined up one of my farmer friends to come and stand by the food. It's all about finding those teachable moments :).

For more teachable moment ideas check out my guest blog at the Michigan Ag Council's Farm Fresh Food Blog. Then make sure to follow it daily - it's full of recipes and information about your food - straight from the people who grow it!

WHEW - now my blog is organized.....and I'm on to at least placing all the clothes on my bedroom floor into baskets for the appropriate person....maybe I could pass it off as "original works of art"!?


  1. When it comes to painting, do what I do. "Mom, I'm thinking the living room needs painting. Go get the paint, and let me know how much. Thanks." A week later, my house will be a different color. Trust me, it works.

  2. HAHAH - I'll try that, but she's working a quilt that will match whatever paint I eventually pick out :) I think the quilt will be done before the paint...but if your mom is up for a side job! :)
